
Wiz Khalifa

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Did You Know?

Interesting facts and trivia about Wiz Khalifa. By Songfacts®.

Wiz Khalifa was born Cameron Jibril Thomaz to parents who were both in the military. He moved around a lot as a kid and lived in Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan before his family finally settled in Pittsburgh.

His stage name comes from the Arabic word "khalifa," meaning "successor." The rapper's father - who is Muslim - gave him the name. The "Wiz" prefix stands for "wisdom," but Khalifa shortened it to "Wiz" himself when he was just a boy. He got the stage name tattooed on his body when he turned 17.

On March 1, 2012, Wiz Khalifa proposed to his girlfriend, model Amber Rose. Rose was best known for her high profile relationship with rapper Kanye West as well as her appearances in print ads for Louis Vuitton. Khalifa posted pictures of the engagement ring on Twitter. Khalifa and Rose married on July 8, 2013 and had a child, Sebastian, together. Sadly, Rose filed for divorce on September 24, 2014, citing "irreconcilable differences."


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